Thank you to all that participated in this year's THANKFUL HARVEST!
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If shipping 1 or 2 day FEDEX, a $15 flat rate per box will be added to your order. If you have already ordered a turkey and would like a bundle we will honor any and all sales; order and we will make adjustments on our end before packing your order.
The savings listed for each bundle reflects how much you save when purchasing a bundle versus individual retail cuts. Turkey is based on a 15 LB bird...request a larger bird and save more! (15-23 LB Birds Available)
We are excited to be offering Gunthorp Farms Pastured Turkeys again this year! Treat your family and friends to an elevated Thanksgiving dining experience with one of these flavorful, ethically raised birds.
Did you know that conventionally raised birds offered in most grocery stores often are raised months earlier, frozen, and then thawed out and sold as "fresh"? Not to mention most are raised in total confinement with no access to the outdoors, fresh air, or pasture. These living conditions make for an end product that is far less superior in taste than a pasture raised bird.
Don't be fooled...."Locally raised" birds if raised in confinement, and advertised as "antibiotic free" will not compare in flavor to a turkey that is given access to pasture and the outdoors for the majority of its life. These Pastured birds only spend the first few weeks of their lives indoors. The remaining time is outdoors and they are processed right on the farm right before Thanksgiving!
The health benefit of consuming animals that are raised on pasture is three fold.
As the animals graze across the landscape they are impacting the soil, fertilizing as they move, and stimulating new growth in the forages by clipping the plants. This animal impact and disturbance (with rest of the land in between grazing periods) leads to a healthy microbial composition of the soils which in turn leads to increased forages full of nutrients and minerals. The animals are happy and healthy, doing what they were naturally made to do. Water absorption and retention of soils is also greatly improved.
This nutrient dense forage is consumed by the animals leading to a wonderfully healthy product high in vitamins and minerals. Unnatural inputs are not needed to keep animals healthy. Meat and bones of these animals can be consumed and used to promote and keep ultimate health.
Because of the way these animals are raised out on pasture with frequent movements there is no need for waste storage, hauling and spreading of manure; the animals spread the manure themselves. Communities are saved the horrible odors, runoff pollutants, and general disturbance of these activities.
A few resources for cooking your bird
Tips on Smoking a Turkey on a Charcoal Grill
Tips on Oven Roasting a Pastured Turkey